How Is Sleep Apnea Treated?
In the following video, Dr. Vahid Bashi covers the different sleep apnea treatments and how they can vary depending on severity.
The approach to treating sleep apnea can vary significantly, from straightforward methods to more intricate procedures, depending on the severity of the condition. For some individuals, the solution might be as simple as wearing mouthguards at night. These removable devices are designed to keep the airways open during sleep, promoting better breathing and improving sleep quality.
For cases of sleep apnea that are more severe, surgical intervention may become necessary. In such instances, I would recommend consulting with an ear, nose, and throat specialist to explore the most suitable treatment path.
To accurately determine the nature of your sleep apnea and identify the most effective treatment options, a personal consultation is invaluable. I encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation with us. During this visit, we can evaluate your specific situation and discuss the necessity of treatment, as well as the most advantageous approach to managing your sleep apnea.